
WHITINGHAM - At the Whitingham Selectboard’s regular meeting on Wednesday, October 5, the board discussed a new plan for the sewer rate.
Board member James Weber said he and selectboard office administrator Gig Zboray met with RCap Solutions, which helped them determine sewer rates in the...
WHITINGHAM- At the Whitingham Selectboard’s regular meeting on Wednesday, September 21, the board received a visit from Laura Sibilia, representing the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation. The board also discussed the 2023 Town Meeting warning and the creation of an economic district that...
WHITINGHAM- The Twin Valley girls varsity soccer team is young but enthusiastic. That’s the word from coach Taryn Lawrence and it is evident in watching the Wildcats players on the field: enthusiasm for the game is everywhere.
Job one for Lawrence was making sure the Wildcats could field a...
WHITINGHAM - The Whitingham Historical Society Museum is closed for the season. Questions? Contact Stella Stevens at (802) 368-2448.

The 2022 Twin Valley Middle High School varsity boys’ soccer team. Back row, from left: Brayden Brown, Chris Eckert, Zack Mercier, Lucky Lucchesi, Hunter Roth, Jerry Mosher, Caleb Dupuis, Noah Dornburgh, Garrett Ryan, Matt Hammond, Steven Oyer, Cooper Adams, and coach Buddy Hayford. Front row: Max Nido, Pacei Reynolds, Niko Gerding, Kaelyn Lackey, Carson McHale, Liam Wendel, Cody Magnant, Garrett Cunningham, and Tucker Magnant. Randy Capitani
WHITINGHAM- The high school soccer season is ready to kick off in Vermont, and locally the Twin Valley varsity squad is looking to rebound after a bit of a down season a year ago. Coach Buddy Hayford, entering his 40th season, knows what the Wildcats have to do this season.
“The biggest...
WHITINGHAM - The Jacksonville Community Church will host a rummage and tag sale on Friday, September 16, from 9 am to 2 pm and on Saturday, September 17, from 9 am to noon. There will be a selection of all-season clothing and baked goods as well. Questions? Contact Wanda Walkowiak at (820) 368-...

A large crowd gathered at the Whitingham Municipal Center on Wednesday, August 24, debating a controversial ATV ordinance. Photo by Gig Zboray.
WHITINGHAM - A controversial ATV ordinance dominated the Whitingham Selectboard meeting Wednesday, August 24, as residents debated with the Jack Pines Pirates ATV club and the board.
Jack Pines’ president Joe Berard told attendees the plan was to allow ATV use from Lone Pine Road to...
WHITINGHAM - The town of Whitingham may receive $1 million in federal funding for the sewer project after Sen. Bernie Sanders requested it as part of his fiscal year 2023 congressional directed spending requests.
Whitingham Selectboard office administrator Gig Zboray said the town applied...

Riders in the 2019 Hungry Lion Bike Tour enjoyed spectacular fall colors.
WHITINGHAM - The Hungry Lion Bike Tour is back. Now in its 11th year, this Lions Club fundraiser welcomes cyclists, walkers, and virtual participants to help raise money to fight hunger in the valley. In-person cyclists will ride on Saturday, September 24; everyone else can choose their own...

John Lyddy
WHITINGHAM - After a short-lived retirement, Whitingham resident John Lyddy has stepped back into action as the sole Republican candidate for Windham-6 representative, with a goal to advocate for the needs of his constituents, rather than pursue a political agenda.
“We don’t have the...


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