
WHITINGHAM- The Whitingham Selectboard discussed options for policing at their regular meeting on Wednesday, November 17. 
At their previous selectboard meeting, fire chief Stanley Janovsky discussed a traffic accident for which state police were called but could not show up in a timely...
  WHITINGHAM- Twin Valley Middle High School student athletes were recently recognized for fall sports performances.   
For girls’ varsity soccer, coach Taryn Lawrence completed her first season at the helm. The young Wildcats’ squad finished 1-13 on the season, but Lawrence said she saw...
WILMINGTON- Twin Valley School Board discussed implementation of their test-to-stay program, reviewed budget planning, and debated contract issues at their regular meeting Tuesday evening.
Windham Southwest Supervisory Union Superintendent Barbara Anne Komons-Montroll told board members...
WHITINGHAM- After hundreds of games, thousands of miles, 34 years, and countless late hours spent riding in a school bus, Twin Valley athletic director Buddy Hayford is stepping down as girls’ varsity basketball coach. For the first time in more than three decades Hayford will not be roaming the...
WHITINGHAM - The Whitingham Free Public Library is accepting used and in-good-condition coats, boots, snow pants, hats, mittens, gloves, and scarfs for children and teens during library hours. Do not leave items outside of the library. The library’s operating hours are Mondays and Thursdays, from...
WHITINGHAM - The Whitingham Selectboard began to reach a conclusion to the sewer project at a special meeting Tuesday, November 4. 
The sewer project started in 2018 due to a faulty rotating biological contactor which caused the Jacksonville treatment plant to shut down. Originally the...
DEERFIELD VALLEY- Residents of Deerfield Valley towns could see some changes in the configuration of their House districts under an apportionment map proposed by the Vermont Legislative Apportionment Board.  
The proposed districts were recently released to boards of civil authority,...
WHITINGHAM - The Whitingham Selectboard discussed zoning regulations, vehicles crashing into town property, and the town library at their regular meeting on Wednesday, October 20. 
The meeting began with a public hearing on revisions to the town’s zoning regulations. The hearing followed a...
JACKSONVILLE -The Jacksonville Community Church on Route 112 will host a rummage and tag sale Friday and Saturday, October 15 and 16, from 9 am to 2 pm. There will be a selection of all seasonal clothing with a large selection of XL sizes. Social distancing will be encouraged and masks will be...
WHITINGHAM - The Whitingham Selectboard continued to discuss next steps on the sewer project, flood mitigation, and a tax appeal lawsuit at their regular meeting on Wednesday, September 22.
For close to an hour and a half, the board discussed ways of funding the project to upgrade the...


The Deerfield Valley News

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