Museum to host presentation on fly fishing
MARLBORO- Ten years of fly fishing the East Outlet of Maine’s Kennebec River will be the topic of a slide presentation and discussion by Jack Widness. Widness is a board member of the Trout Unlimited Connecticut River Valley Chapter.
The East Outlet of the Kennebec River is the primary outflow of Moosehead Lake, Maine’s largest lake. For the past 10 years Widness and three of his college friends have traveled to Greenville, ME, to fly fish this well-known stretch of river. This reach is well known by anglers for its mostly wild landlocked salmon and brook trout.
This foursome has done the majority of their fly-fishing from drift boats on this pristine, once-important, logging river. Adding to these fly-fishing adventures is camping, sharing meals and stories together around the open campfire. Time together on this annual fly-fishing trip for these four life-long friends has become an opportunity to unwind, share stories, and heighten their sense of wonder in and appreciation for the natural world. The trips reinforce their realization of the need for continued conservation to preserve such experiences, something that Trout Unlimited has as its mission.
The presentation will be on Tuesday, May 21, from 6 to 7:30 pm at the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum, 7599 Route 9 East. Enter the museum via the east entrance on the same side as the Hogback Gift Shop. This meeting is open to the public and the location is handicap accessible.
For more information contact David Deen at (802) 869-3116 or