BENNINGTON- “Fully Committed” opens Friday, July 22, at the Oldcastle Theatre Company. Allyson Boate is Sam Callahan in the one-act play by Becky Mode, directed by Jennifer Jasper. Experience this 40-character comedic tour de force, performed by one woman, in this fast-paced look at a hilarious...
Cast members Kaia Monroe and Tim Howard in Bennington. Photo by Kate Whitehall
BENNINGTON - Oldcastle Theatre Company is excited to open its 50th season on Friday, June 17, with “Souvenir - A Fantasia on the Life of Florence Foster Jenkins” by Stephen Temperley, directed by Nathan Stith.
“Souvenir” tells the fictionalized story of the infamous real-life wealthy...
BENNINGTON - Oldcastle Theatre Company’s 49th season continues with “Shakespeare’s Will,” Canadian playwright Vern Thiessen’s one-woman show about the wife of William Shakespeare, Anne Hathaway.
The production will run from August 6 to 15. Immediately following the 2 pm show on August 7...