Locals plan pilgrimage along Valley Trail

Lincoln Rathnam and Dick Ward look at maps and discuss how to find a safe passage through a section of Wardsboro with difficult terrain in preparation for a pilgrimage they’ll lead on September 17 and 18. Lauren Harkawik.

WILMINGTON - Lincoln Rathnam and Dick Ward pored over maps on a Wednesday afternoon. The following day, they would embark on something they’ve been doing for many months: trail exploring. Their task recently has been to try to find a safe passage through a section of Wardsboro just north of East Dover. 
Rathnam and Ward have, for the whole of 2022, been planning a pilgrimage from Wilmington to Wardsboro. It’s in a little over a month, and they’re still working out the route they’ll take, along with anyone who wishes to join them. 

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