Balint secures $1.5 million in federal dollars for Grace Cottage expansion

Rep. Becca Balint visited Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital on Monday to present a $1.5 million federal appropriation for the hospital and health care center. Pictured here, from left: Dr. George Terwilliger, Grace Cottage chief medical officer; Ed Druke, Grace Cottage Hospital board vice president and owner of WW Building Supply; Martha Dale, Grace Cottage Hospital board chair; and Balint. Lauren Harkawik

TOWNSHEND - Rep. Becca Balint visited Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital on Monday to present a ceremonial “big check,” representing a $1.5 million federal appropriation Balint secured for the hospital and health care center. The appropriation will be put toward a $20 million project Grace Cottage is currently undertaking to build a brand-new primary care clinic. 

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