Cheshire Medical to postpone surgeries due to COVID-19 surge
KEENE, NH - Due to an increase in COVID-19 positive patients at the hospital, staffing levels, and bed constraints, Cheshire Medical Center, a Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health affiliate, will be postponing elective surgeries that require hospital inpatient admission after surgery. Ambulatory and same day surgeries that do not require hospital admission, and all urgent and emergent surgeries will continue. Hospital officials are evaluating this situation daily and urging individuals to get vaccinated if they haven’t already.
Based on current numbers and predictive modeling trends, the current challenges may worsen. All hospitals in New England are experiencing these same capacity challenges in inpatient volumes and staffing, impacting transferring patients to other hospitals. Hospitals rely on the ability to transfer patients to treat different levels of care based on a patient’s needs.
According to an NBC News analysis, Vermont and New Hampshire have seen two of the largest increases of COVID-19 in the US in the past two weeks, respectively rising by 60% and 56%. Anyone eligible for a first or second dose or a booster shot should visit to find a vaccination location nearby or call (800) 232-0233.
Pediatric and booster shots for eligible Cheshire patients can be scheduled at upcoming morning clinics on the following Saturdays: December 4, and December 11. Appointments are required.
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