Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,
The attack on the US Capitol was a brazen attempt to prevent Congress from certifying the presidential election results and to overthrow the will of the American people. It was an assault on far more than the US House and Senate: it threatened the very foundation of our...
To the Editor,
In the aftermath of January 6’s deeply unsettling attack on our American democracy, the Jewish communities of Vermont stand together with people of good conscience to vehemently oppose mob rule, violence, and racist and anti-Semitic hatred.
As Jews, we know what...
To the Editor,
This letter is written to advise Dover readers of the change in policy and the significant increase in costs as well as the inconsistent and unjust application of the new policies implemented by the North Branch Fire District #1 which provides sewage services to town of...
To the Editor,
It feels almost surreal to say, but can you believe that we are now looking back at 2020?
It was an incredibly challenging year, with the COVID-19 pandemic, the severe and unequal economic fallout it brought, a national reckoning with persistent structural racism, and...
To the Editor,
“The Marketing Plan” for Wilmington needs a critique. 
First of all, this plan or any plan can’t help businesses that can’t or don’t know how to help themselves! There are easy principles, Economics 101: First, location, easy access to the business by foot or phone;...
To the Editor,
Any aware person knows that Donald Trump is a lawless miscreant: an authoritarian who can’t see beyond himself; a sociopath incapable of empathy; and a pathological liar. Since his presidential defeat, he has toyed with a coup d’etat by encouraging his followers to invade...
To the Editor
As the owners of the Airbnb property referenced in Mike Eldred’s January 7 article “Dover homeowner says Airbnb rental is clogging access to his property,” we were distressed by Mr. Eldred’s eagerness to take Mr. Sedlack’s specious claims at face value. Since purchasing the...
To the Editor,
Shall I say it? It’s not polite. It may be “divisive.”
I’m not supposed to say it. We’re not supposed to say it. No one is supposed to say it—not here, not in a friendly, small-town paper. Indeed, no mention was made of it in last week’s editorial about the Capitol...
To the Editor,
Our  “Greatest Generation” parents and grandparents are undoubtedly tossing in their graves. The so-called patriots and protesters in Washington were basically protesting democracy, ironically the institution that gives them the freedom to protest.  
All of this in...
To the Editor,
The president called only for a peaceful march. The rally and speech were unwise in that it disputed an already decided and irreversible election. A lack of confidence in the election results for the previous two months was not unwarranted, but holding out hope of a reversal...


The Deerfield Valley News

797 VT Route 100 North
Wilmington, VT 05363

Phone: 802-464-3388
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