Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,
How often does an education reform bill pass on a voice vote in the Vermont Legislature? From experience, I can tell you it is about as rare as the same type of legislation passing unanimously. That is, very rare indeed.
Yet, when the Vermont Legislature contemplated...
To the Editor,
The largest nonprofit media organization in Vermont history, VPR and Vermont PBS,  will soon have 117 employees, annual budget of $18 million, and $91 million in assets.
How many at your local newspaper? Their budget? Local newspapers will soon face new competition...
Note: This originally appeared in the Deerfield Valley News print edition as a "My Turn" op-ed.  Marc Shauber is a Dover resident.
On the topic of public schools having to pay tuition for private religious schools.
First, I want to acknowledge that while I am a member of the River...
To the Editor,
My letter published January 28 was written to advise North Branch Fire District customers of policy changes, increased costs, and the inconsistent and unjust application of their policies.
The NBFD reply published February 18 puts forth an explanation of their cost-of...
To the Editor,
A very important issue has been placed on the Whitingham annual Town Meeting ballot that requires immediate attention.
The selectboard is proposing to purchase 12 acres of farmland located on a small country road in the heart of a residential neighborhood with working...
To the Editor,
There’s an activity occurring right now in Vermont, on both private and public lands, that many are unaware of: hounding.
Hounding is akin to “dog” fighting; it is lawless and unregulated and those who participate in it have no regard for hunting ethics. It involves...
To the Editor,
How fortunate are we to live in a community that supports us all? For Valentine’s Day we received homemade cookies, a thoughtful gift from the Rotary Club (that aids in many different ways, a very vital part of our valley). Nice to know we are appreciated by other...
To the Editor,
For the first time in over two centuries, the United States government was threatened with a coup d’etat led by Donald Trump, a fascist cast in the molds of Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler – both of whom captured sole command of their nations.
Why did Trump fail...
To the Editor,
In late December, long after the election, columnist Don Keelan proposed the currently vacant Southern Vermont College as the site of the Trump presidential library.  My first reaction was laughter, which is probably why Keelan felt the need to assure readers it was a...
To the Editor
I am just an average Joe. My parents and family were solid. I went to school, I served in Vietnam, paid taxes, built a business, created jobs and never got in trouble. I made mistakes along the way but had the freedom to make them. This country has afforded me freedom, a...


The Deerfield Valley News

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Wilmington, VT 05363

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