Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,
Thank you to Food 4 Kids, the nonprofit beneficiary of the seventh annual Quilt and Craft Show at Memorial Hall in downtown Wilmington. Without the inspiring and hardworking ladies filling a void in the community, the Quilt and Craft Show wouldn’t commence. 
Thank you...
To the Editor,
As a member of the Groundworks Collaborative board of directors and co-chair of this year’s Empty Bowls event steering committee, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the local potters, businesses, sponsors, and volunteers that made this year’s empty bowls...
To the Editor,
It’s discouraging that in the year 2018 I find myself telling constituents that, as president of the Vermont Senate, I will do whatever it takes to protect Vermont women’s right to choose. But in light of the new United States Supreme Court majority that’s what I’ve said to...
To the Editor,
As a small business owner in Vermont, I’ve witnessed first-hand many of our state’s challenges. Finding qualified workers, navigating a complex permitting system, and remaining competitive with a neighboring state that doesn’t even have a sales tax are a fact of life for me...
To the Editor,
Summer has faded into fall and our focus often shifts. We turn from growing our gardens to harvesting them, and from beach time to school bus time.  In the world of politics and policies, fall also brings new implementation of laws that were passed during last year’s...
To the Editor,
We have to end the rat race to do the work we must to end the multiple crises created directly by or encouraged by the banking empire, who in turn controls the big press who in turn controls the outcome of elections by censoring the alternatives who attempt to change the...
To the Editor,
National Friends of Libraries Week starts Sunday, October 21, and I would like to celebrate it by recognizing the wonderful job that our friends group does.   They are a small, but mighty group that is so dedicated to helping the library. They are the people that haul boxes...
To the Editor,
During Fire Safety Week the Pettee Memorial Library storytime friends visited the Wilmington Fire Department. Many thanks go out to Chief Scott Moore, who taught us about fire safety at our homes and personal fire safety, but also was a guest reader and talked about our two...
To the Editor,
I am writing in response to the article written in last week’s paper  “School program seen as asset, development tool.”   
 As a broker in the Deerfield Valley and president of the Southern Vermont Board of Realtors, I think it is important for your readers to...
To the Editor,
We are in trouble, dire trouble, with the current administration and its congressional backing. I don’t mean tax breaks for the rich, or separated families, or blatant racism, or compromising the court, or mysogyny, or voter suppression, or the lack of respect for what many...


The Deerfield Valley News

797 VT Route 100 North
Wilmington, VT 05363

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