Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,
This weekend marks the 81st anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass.” On November 9 and 10, 1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany and its annexed territories. This event came to be called Kristallnacht...
To the Editor,
Americans today frequently talk about the aggression of Iran, and worry what Iran can do to hurt the US.  Usually missing from these discussions is any mention of how the relationship between the United States and Iran came to this.  
That discussion has to start with...
To the Editor,
Deerfield Valley Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing emergency medical services to the towns of Wilmington, Dover, Whitingham, Halifax, Somerset, Searsburg, and portions of Marlboro and Stratton.  
Very shortly, we will begin our annual...
To the Editor,
Wardsboro Fire Department and Rescue is fantastic.A very big thank you to them for last night. 
 I’m in kidney failure and do home dialysis to stay alive. Just as we were starting dialysis last night the power went out. Not good. Even though life support equipment was...
To the Editor,
I was delighted to learn that Southern Vermont Board of Realtors President Betsy Wadsworth, has been named Vermont Realtor of the Year by the Vermont Association of Realtors.
This honor conveys recognition by colleagues, statewide, of Betsy’s professional skill and...
To the Editor, 
October is Fire Prevention Month and a good time for the East Dover Volunteer Fire Company to thank everyone for their support during the last year. 
Thanks to all who supported our annual silent auction at the Dover School. It was a very successful event, despite...
To the Editor,
Trapping season in Vermont begins on October 26. Residents and visitors who enjoy use of public lands in the state should be aware that trappers can legally set traps on many public lands and are not required to post signage warning of hidden traps. Trappers may set leghold...
Recently, I learned of the death of Michael Zaffino, who lived with my son and me during his senior year of high school so he could graduate with his classmates in June 2005.     
The death of a young person by suicide is always shocking, devastating, and unfathomable.  We look at our own...
To the editor
I hear nothing but complaints these days about both the new Walgreens Pharmacy in the valley, replacing Rite Aid, and the continuing screw-ups emanating from the Deerfield Valley Health Center’s administration. Messed up referrals, prescriptions, and renewals following...
To the Editor,
This year’s Deerfield Valley Food Pantry annual bike ride was the most successful one yet.  Nearly $4,900 was raised to help support our mission, helping families in the Deerfield Valley meet their basic food needs.
Many, many thanks to the Valley View Saloon for...


The Deerfield Valley News

797 VT Route 100 North
Wilmington, VT 05363

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