Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,
If you’d like to get a first-person glimpse into the future of rural innovation, consider this your cue to get to Hanover, NH, on November 13. That’s because, for the first time, CORI’s annual Small Towns, Big Ideas pitch event is happening in-person thanks to an exciting...
To The Editor,
I want to publicly thank selectboard chairman Tom Fitzgerald for responding so quickly to a request I made last Friday.  
There has been a pile of very unsightly trash in the parking lot behind Jezebel’s under a pine tree.  I texted Tom last Friday evening with a...
To the Editor,
Your article about two of our local historical societies was a good reminder of how helpful and interesting a trip into the past can be. Feeling frustrated that you need another car repair? After a visit to the past, you’ll be glad that you don’t need to re-shoe your horse,...
To the Editor,
It is clear now that my opponent’s answer to everything is more taxes and fees.
No matter our party affiliation, we are being crushed by rising rents, spiraling property taxes, unsustainable heating and lighting bills, commuting costs, and health care costs. If you...

To the Editor,
Let’s get thrifty and upgrade. These are not mutually exclusive ideas, we believe in both.
We stand behind upgrading the West River Community Project’s Thrift Store in more ways than one. Growing true to our grassroot ways means we have aim, while staying...

To the Editor,
Who can call this progress? The legislature allocated a large sum of money—I believe a million dollars—for a consultant to assess the state of Vermont’s health care and identify potential solutions.
After many months, miles, and meetings the consultant Dr....
To the Editor,
Fellow members of the Vermont General Assembly, Gov. Scott and administration, Lt. Gov. Zuckerman, mayor Mulvaney-Stanak and administration, and Burlington City Councilors: On Monday night, while distributing a hot meal on the steps of the public library in downtown...
To the Editor,
If you have relatives or friends buried in Riverview Cemetery on Stowe Hill Road in Wilmington, take a ride and see how well it is being maintained. The dead trees have been removed. There is now a parking area in the newest section as well as a beautiful garden. 
To the Editor,
I’m very impressed with how the Wilmington Post Office looks these days (I’m not including the too small parking lot in this letter of appreciation.)
Postmaster Ashley Harwood is very helpful and professional and the public space is clean and orderly, which is real...
To the Editor,
Hounding needs to end. It is not a Vermont tradition. It is not a Native American tradition. It is not hunting. No one is trying to feed themselves or survive by releasing packs of dogs into the woods to chase and attack wild animals. Hounding is a recreational activity and...


The Deerfield Valley News

797 VT Route 100 North
Wilmington, VT 05363

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