
DOVER - On Tuesday, October 12, the Dover Free Library will present the feature film “Six Minutes to Midnight,” starring Judi Dench, Eddie Izzard, James D’Arcy, and David Schofield. Showtime will be 5:30 pm. Runtime is 99 minutes. The film is rated PG-13. This event is free and open to the public...

Hoist a stein at Mount Snow on Saturday.
DOVER - Mount Snow Oktoberfest is back on Saturday, October 9, from 11 am to 5 pm. This year’s version will be scaled back, but will still offer the beer, schnitzel, and music that participants love. Enjoy a selection of beers from German and domestic breweries as well as authentic German fare....
WILMINGTON - Join Bartleby’s Books for a book signing with southern Vermont’s own Archer Mayor, author of the highly acclaimed Joe Gunther detective series.  The 32nd book in the series, “Marked Man,” was just released and excitement is high to see Mayor in person after last year’s virtual-only...

Scouts from local Troop 461 will be holding a car wash fundraiser Saturday.
WEST DOVER - Scouts from local Troop 461 will be holding a car wash fundraiser Saturday, October 9, from 10 am to 2 pm, at the West Dover firehouse on Route 100. Donations will be gratefully accepted to help fund the troop’s activities for the year as they work toward their Eagle Scout rank.
TOWNSHEND - A Neighborhood Uniting For Fuelwood has received a generous donation of about 10 cords of log-length firewood, currently awaiting sawing, splitting, and stacking in Rick and Cindy’s field on Windham Hill.   
Some will go to the Pizza Oven at the Farmers’ Market, but the main...
HALIFAX - The upcoming meal at the Halifax Community Hall, 20 Brook Road, will be held Friday, October 15. Service will begin at noon. Participants will be able to eat in the hall or take out. The menu is chicken with gravy and biscuits, a vegetable, and dessert. A free-will fee of $3 is asked...
WILMINGTON - Calling all local dog owners. On Saturday, October 2, from 1 to 3 pm, owners and their canine friends are invited to stop by the Visitor’s Center, at 21 West Main Street, for the Wilmington Wags kickoff event. Get connected to the “Dog Friendly Downtown” effort, and support this...
WILMINGTON - Story time is back at Pettee Memorial Library. Join every Monday at 10:30 am for songs, stories, crafts, games, and yummy snacks with friends new and old. For more information call the library at (802) 464-8557.
DOVER - Singer-songwriter Seth Yacovone will be performing solo acoustic guitar Sunday, October 10, 2 to 4 pm, at Dover Town Park on Route 100. The concert is to benefit the East Dover Volunteer Fire Department. Originally from Morrisville, Yacavone has been playing guitar since he was 8, and...

Stratton Mountain will be holding its annual fall festival beginning October 9.
STRATTON - Stratton’s HarvestFest will bring flannels and fall cheer with endless family fun. Enjoy live music, peak fall foliage, and delicious food options along with the season finale of mountain biking and scenic lift rides.
HarvestFest Weekend at Stratton Mountain will begin Saturday...


The Deerfield Valley News

797 VT Route 100 North
Wilmington, VT 05363

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