Learn about the art of oral history

Interviewing for oral history. Courtesy Vermont Folklife Center
BRATTLEBORO - The Brattleboro Museum & Art Center will present “The Delight of Listening: Interviewing for Oral History and Deeper Understanding,” a free in-person workshop with the Vermont Folklife Center’s Sasha Antohin, PhD, and Mary Wesley, on Thursday, April 14, at 7 pm.
The workshop will provide an introduction to the Vermont Folklife Center’s approach to the art of interviewing, as well as a brief overview of best practices for audio recording. The program draws inspiration from “Yvette Molina: Big Bang Votive,” an art installation on view at BMAC through June 12.
Molina gathers stories from people about what sparks delight or inspires love in their lives as a way to recognize that love and connection can provide a necessary pathway through life’s myriad challenges.
Each participant chooses a symbol to represent their story, which Molina renders in egg tempera paint, set against a starry blue field. Register at brattleboromuseum.org or call (802) 257-0124, ext. 101.