OHW bonfire, bluegrass

Silhouette of Bill Adams, owner of Adams Farm, where the bonfire and jam session will be taking place.
WILMINGTON - A kickoff to Wilmington’s Old Home Week festivities will occur on Thursday, August 5, from 6 to 10 pm, with a bonfire and jam session at the Adams Farm along with local bluegrass band The Ridge Runners.
Guests are encouraged to bring an instrument and lawn chairs or picnic blankets to enjoy the music, as well as the company of family, friends, and classmates visiting from out of town for the annual decade reunion. The Adams Farm will be featuring their legendary bonfire on this historic family farm and a couple of Wilmington’s newest businesses.
Snow Republic Brewery will be serving up their most popular brews along with a new summer blueberry beer. The RVQ Smokehouse food truck will be smoking up a storm for this popular event and is offering discounted meal tickets if purchased in advance.
Advance meal tickets are $13 per adult and $9 per child. Meal tickets at the event are $16 per adult and $11 per child. Snacks and nonalcoholic drinks will also be available throughout the evening.
Meal tickets may be purchased in advance by calling the Adams Farm at (802) 380-3573, or by emailing jilladamsvt@gmail.com. For those preferring to pay with a check: make it payable to River Valley Market and drop off at the Adams Farm, or in the mail to Adams Farm, 15 Higley Hill Road, Wilmington, VT 05363. Advance meal tickets must be made by 4 pm on Wednesday, August 4.
This is a free event, rain or shine, and donations during the event are greatly appreciated. Because alcohol is being served at this event, BYOB alcohol will not be allowed. For information contact the Adams Farm at (802) 380-3573.