
It is a pitiful shame and a real embarrassment that so few people show up every Thursday afternoon at 3 pm to benefit from the free lecture series organized by Wilmington's Town Nurse, Jennifer Fitzgerald, for seniors (and others) in the valley. Scot Tucker, Wilmington Town Manager, makes the...
10 years ago:
Gov. Jim Douglas was facing several opponents in his bid for reelection, including an independent candidate from Readsboro.  Justin Gamache was running as an independent write-in candidate, seeking to provide universal health care, cut taxes, reduce oil and...
WHITINGHAM- The Hungry Lion Bike Tour was almost finished before it ever started. That’s because the initial tour was planned for the last Saturday in September 2011.  Unfortunately, four weeks before the inaugural tour, Tropical Storm Irene descended on the region and washed out numerous roads...
“The Benefits of Being an Octopus” by Ann Braden Sky Pony Press, 2018
Are there really benefits of being an octopus? Most people would say there aren’t, but seventh-grader Zoey knows better. One benefit, she has learned from a discarded DVD and the...
10 years ago:
The Wilmington Planning Commission submitted their proposed changes to the village design control regulations to the selectboard.  The changes settled an ongoing controversy about vinyl siding that had been simmering in the village for years.  Under the new...

Volunteers work on a previous Habitat house.
DEERFIELD VALLEY- The local West River Habitat for Humanity affiliate is calling for an uptake in volunteer registration as the number of active volunteers in the valley dwindles. Claudette Hollenbeck has been volunteering with Habitat for Humanity for 18 years and is committed to revitalizing...
10 years ago:
Two members of Searsburg’s new five-member selectboard resigned.  One said he ran for a position on three-member board and wasn’t interested in working with a five-member board, and the other said the board was too argumentative.  The number of board members...
DEERFIELD VALLEY- This week we take a look at new teachers who will be in the classrooms of area schools. This feature was compiled by Lauren Harkawik. Twin Valley Middle High School AJ Banach, music
AJ Banach joins Twin Valley Middle High School as its choral and...
“By the 1930s nearly 90% of US urban dwellers had electricity, but 90% of rural homes were without power. Investor-owned utilities often denied service to rural areas, citing high development costs and low profit margins. Consequently, even when they could purchase electricity, rural consumers...

Rep. Laura Sibilia
Last Sunday I found myself in Denver, traveling by Uber with a scientist I had attended a weekend conference with. My new scientist friend conducted an experiment with our Uber drivers as we traveled to various Denver destinations talking about how much we were enjoying Denver and gathering info...


The Deerfield Valley News

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Wilmington, VT 05363

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