10 years ago:
Twin Valley officials called a “game” by high school students “dangerous and sadistic.” According to the vice principal, the game was called “bag tag,” and consisted of “a quick hit, kick, or flick in the testicle area.” As board members pondered the...
“Lords of St. Thomas” by Jackson Ellis
Green Writers Press
Henry Lord is born in St. Thomas, Nevada, a six-block town in the Moapa Valley. His grandfather, for whom he is named, was brought there as a baby; his parents live in Grandpa’s house, near the local...
I am so excited, and trying to figure out how to get all the rest of you as excited as I am! We here in the Deerfield Valley will shortly be given a really big gift. We have chosen to live in a rural environment for all the beauty, freedom, and peace rural living affords. However, along with...
10 years ago:
The Corse family celebrated 140 years at their farm in Whitingham with an open house. The event also celebrated the restoration of a barn and milking parlor after the original had been partially destroyed by a fire sparked by a lightning strike a year...
“Defy the Stars” by Claudia Gray
Little, Brown and Company, 2017
Noemi Vidal is a 17-year-old soldier in the army of Genesis, a colony of the planet Earth that once rebelled against Earth’s oppression. The resulting war ensured Genesis’ independence for three generations, but...
The preliminary concept for a small village park to be built on the site of the former bank building.
10 years ago:
The Wilmington Beautification Committee unveiled a preliminary concept plan for a small village park on the site of the old bank building at the corner of Route 9 and South Main Street. The “pocket park” packed a lot of features into the small space, including a pergola over...
We probably shouldn’t hold our breath, but we can hope that we have seen the last of the snow for a while. We had a lot of weird storms this year that required commitment and patience on the part of our VTrans workers. I will lead the cheer for them: they need to get up during the night, work...
10 years ago:
Drivers dodging potholes on Route 100 in Wilmington Village were relieved to hear that 4.7 miles of Route 100 would be paved under Gov. Jim Douglas’ “Operation Smooth Ride” initiative. Repairs were set to start as early as May. Wilmington Town Manager Bob Rusten...
Claudette Hollenbeck
“Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones ...”
Ah yes. The older we get the drier and more achy those bones can get. According to AARP, “A whopping 700,000 surgeries are performed each year in the United States to fix tears in the meniscus, a piece of tissue between knee-joint bones. Tens of...
“The 57 Bus” by Dashka Slater
Farrar Straus Giroux, 2017
It’s November 4, 2013 in Oakland, California. The 57 bus is lumbering along its 11-mile route from the well-to-do houses in the hills to the impoverished neighborhoods in the flatlands where two-thirds of the city’s murders...