New farm to school coach at Food Connects
BRATTLEBORO - Food Connects welcomes Jenny Kessler to their team as their newest Farm to School coach. She will work with schools in the Windham Central Supervisory Union and Windham Northeast Supervisory Union.
Kessler joined the Food Connects team in mid-October and brings 13 years of education experience in New York City schools. Her experience integrating farm to school activities into her curriculum will provide invaluable expertise for the teachers she works with. And her passion for Farm to School is infectious.
The Food Connects Farm to School program focuses on the three C’s of Farm to School - classrooms, cafeterias, and communities. The Farm to School team’s vision is to create lifelong healthy eating habits in students and engage them in learning about the natural world around them, including knowing where their food comes from. The Food Connects team is grateful to have Kessler’s experience to nurture the program’s growth.