Exercise to prevent osteoporosis

Attendees at a previous meeting at Butterfield Commons.
DOVER - Bone Builders is an exercise program designed to prevent and even reverse the negative effects of osteoporosis. The program is based on research conducted by Tufts University, which shows that strength training just twice a week dramatically reduces the risk of fractures due to the disease.
A friendly group meets at 10 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the Dover Town Hall. It is free and open to both locals and visitors. The exercises are sitting and standing movements, chair-supported. The social aspect of exercising with a group also contributes to good health, both mental and physical.
For more information or to register contact Marge at mthurber@sover.net or (802) 342-7236 or Faith at faithschuster85@gmail.com or (802) 464-2632.