
Tuesday, March 1, is Town Meeting day across the state. Vermonters will have the opportunity to voice their opinions on a variety of issues.   
Well, at least in normal times Tuesday would be Town Meeting day. But, as with many things during the past two years, COVID-19 has disrupted how...
We’ve been hearing quite a bit about how difficult the pandemic has made it for students, especially in primary and secondary schools. COVID lockdowns, remote learning, quarantine absences, and changing guidelines from state and federal officials have made the past two years extremely difficult...
Local governments have had to make some difficult decisions in the past few weeks in terms of how they will go about their Town Meetings.  Due to the ongoing pandemic, the big decision was whether to postpone Town Meeting to a later date instead of the traditional first Tuesday in March or not...
Yesterday was February 2. That means it was Groundhog Day.  Everyone knows the story, how a groundhog (known as a woodchuck here in Vermont) comes out of its hole and predicts the coming of spring by either seeing its shadow or not. If it sees its shadow, it gets scared and runs back into its...
“In my 21 years in public life, there has never been a more transformative moment. We have, within our grasp, the chance to combine good ideas, thoughtful legislation, and unprecedented financial resources into a better, brighter future: Where there are good jobs, affordable homes, and every...
“It’s not going to be that you’ll eliminate this disease completely. But hopefully, it will be at such a low level that it doesn’t disrupt our normal social, economic, and other interactions with each other. To me, that’s what the new normal is.” 
Dr. Anthony Fauci The “new normal” is a...
Monday the country celebrates the anniversary of the birth of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. It’s a day to recognize the life and accomplishments of the civil rights leader, who was gunned down in 1968 at the age of 39. During the 1950s and ‘60s King became the face of a nonviolent movement...
Tuesday marked the start of the 2022 legislative session for Vermont. Unlike previous years, when legislators from across the state made their way to the Statehouse in Montpelier, this year saw an unusual kickoff to what promises to be an unpredictable session.
Members of the House checked...
Four decades ago, one of the watershed events in history of the Deerfield Valley occurred. In the spring of 1982, the Ku Klux Klan announced it was targeting the state of Vermont as a place to expand the Klan’s message of racism and hatred. The Klan held a rally in Wilmington that it hoped would...
“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore.”
Then the Grinch thought of something...


The Deerfield Valley News

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Wilmington, VT 05363

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