
DOVER - On Monday, October 24, the Dover Free Library will present the feature film “Hocus Pocus 2.” Showtime is 3 pm.  Runtime is 103 minutes. The film is rated PG. This event is free and open to the public. Questions? Call (802) 348-7488.
DOVER - All are invited to the Dover Town Forest at the end of Rice Hill Road on Saturday, October 22, at 2 pm as the town renames the area the Dover Town Forest & Phil Bartlett Recreation Area. A short ceremony will be held to celebrate the renaming and unveiling of a dedication plaque to...

BSA scouts from Troop 461 hang out at their campsite at Mount Norris Scout Reservation in Eden in July. Photo courtesy Melanie Winters
DOVER - Boys and girls from the Deerfield Valley area are invited to join in a community Scout day on Saturday, October 22, from 1 to 3 pm at West Dover Congregational Church. BSA Troop 461, ages 11 through 17, and Pack 461, ages 6 through 10, are looking for new youth members as well as adult...
DOVER- Selectboard members accepted resignations from several paid and volunteer positions, and approved 1% local option tax funding for Dover’s participation in this year’s Eat, Sleep, and Shop Local program.  
Two members of the town’s highway department submitted resignations.  Road...
DOVER- Selectboard members discussed a proposal to purchase highway equipment, a change in police department hiring policy, and grand list errors and omissions at their regular meeting Tuesday evening. 
Assessor Linda Sherman brought changes to the valuation of several properties to the...

A screenshot of Airbnb rentals available in Dover this month.
DOVER- Dover will consider a registration requirement for short-term rentals, such as Airbnb and VRBO, as part of a Bitown Economic Development subcommittee.
Dover Economic Development Director Eric Durocher told Dover Selectboard members Tuesday that the proposed registration wasn’t aimed...
DOVER - Bone Builders exercise classes for seniors has expanded its schedule. Classes will now occur at Butterfield Commons on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 to 10 am and at Dover Town Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11 am.
Bone Builders is an osteoporosis-prevention program...
DOVER- Selectboard members poured cold water on a proposal for an activity park presented by a group of Dover residents Tuesday evening.  
Dover resident Trip Morse presented the plan, which he said grew from his initial search for a place for outdoor pickleball courts in Dover.  ”And then...

The damaged Tannery Road bridge in West Dover. Mike Eldred
DOVER- Selectboard members accepted one of two heating oil bids, discussed emergency services dispatching with Windham County Sheriff Mark Anderson, and heard updates from the highway department. 
At the board’s first meeting in August, board members tabled consideration of a single bid...
DOVER - On Tuesday, September 6, the Dover Free Library will present the feature film “Peggy Sue Got Married,” starring Kathleen Turner and Nicolas Cage. Showtime is 3 pm.  Runtime is 183 minutes. The film is rated PG-13. This event is free and open to the public.  Questions? Call (802) 348-7488.


The Deerfield Valley News

797 VT Route 100 North
Wilmington, VT 05363

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