
DOVER - Wilmington resident Cliff Duncan spoke to the Dover Selectboard on Tuesday to warn them against using an income approach in an upcoming reappraisal of the town’s commercial properties. Although the board didn’t make any decisions based on Duncan’s warnings, an animated discussion about...
WARDSBORO - At the River Valleys Unified Union School District Board meeting on Monday, Windham Central Supervisory Union Superintendent Bill Anton said that four applications for intradistrict elementary school choice were submitted to him, and that he will approve all four requests. 
DOVER - At the Dover Selectboard’s meeting on Tuesday, March 19, the board decided to pursue an audio system for Town Meeting. 
“There was comment made after Town Meeting that there are people who are no longer attending because they can’t hear,” said board member Sarah Shippee. “So the...
DOVER - On Tuesday, the Dover Selectboard approved a motion to hire Weston & Sampson and their partner Morton Trails to complete the town’s trails and recreational venue plan. 
According to its website, Weston & Sampson “provides interdisciplinary services including environmental,...
BDCC director Adam Grinold, center, leads a discussion at the 2018 Southern Vermont Economy Summit, held in May at the Grand Summit Lodge at Mount Snow.
DOVER - At its meeting on Tuesday, the Dover Selectboard declined to sponsor a reception at the third annual Southern Vermont Economy Summit. Much of the conversation leading up to failure of a motion to fund the request centered around a too-short timeline between the funding request and the...
DOVER - A discussion at the Dover School Board’s meeting on Monday shed light on some of the logistics faced by school districts with school choice, including fluctuations in tuition amounts as well as people faking residency to take advantage of tuition paid on behalf of students. 
DOVER - Communications dominated Monday’s River Valleys Unified Union School District Board meeting, where the board had a lengthy discussion about its web presence, and heard a proposal from consultant Anita Rafael about creating documentary-style reporting about Wardsboro Elementary’s...
WILMINGTON - At a meeting of the bi-town economic development committee on Thursday, March 7, matters discussed included a recent “Ski to Stay” program held at Mount Snow and an announcement that Route 100 will be paved this summer rather than summer 2020 as originally planned. And Southern...
DOVER - Budgets and most appropriations passed without much fanfare at Tuesday’s Town Meeting. Two items generated the most discussion: whether to offset the taxes of the town’s only movie theater, and whether to implement a tax stabilization program for commercial and industrial properties. The...
DOVER - At Dover’s pre-Town Meeting on Tuesday, an article pertaining to tax stabilization for commercial and industrial properties inspired ample discussion. 
Article 14 on the town’s Town Meeting warning reads: “Shall the Town of Dover authorize the Dover Selectboard as provided in 24 §...


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