
By Lauren Harkawik
DOVER - On Monday, the River Valleys Unified Union School District held the first of two informational meetings in advance of its annual meeting. Although members of the public didn’t ask for reductions in the budget, they did come with questions, including a request...
DOVER - Following an informational meeting about the district’s upcoming annual meeting, the River Valleys Unified Union School District board conducted regular business, including reviewing a to-be-adopted policy for the verification of student residency and deciding to write letters to...
DOVER - At its meeting on Tuesday, the Dover Selectboard approved a resolution to participate in a feasibility study regarding regional broadband deployment and potential communication union district configurations. In other matters, the board approved its Town Meeting warning and read an...
By Lauren Harkawik
WHITINGHAM - At a meeting of the Deerfield Valley Broadband Working Group on Wednesday, representatives from various towns discussed their towns’ positions regarding joining a communication union district by vote at Town Meeting this year.
A CUD comprises two or...
WARDSBORO - On Monday, January 6, the River Valleys Unified Union District Board approved the warning for the district’s annual meeting. Unlike last year, the budget will be voted from the floor at the annual meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, at 7 pm at Dover Town Hall. ...
Drivers stranded after being routed over Higley Hill road MARLBORO - It was close to 10 pm on Sunday, December 29, as an ice storm was mid-fury, when Victoria Osborne, owner of the Colonel Williams Inn, put out an urgent plea on a Facebook group dedicated to sharing road...
By Lauren Harkawik 
DOVER - At its meeting on Tuesday, the Dover Selectboard told town assessor Linda Sherman and assessor consultant Jeremiah Sund to table a commercial reappraisal that the pair recommended the town undergo. In other matters, police chief Randy Johnson said issues with...
DOVER - At the Monday, December 16,  River Valleys Unified Union School District meeting, Windham Central Supervisory Union business manager Laurie Garland presented projected tax rates to the board. Taxes for FY21 were projected to rise by 13% in Dover and Wardsboro. The board agreed to...
DOVER - At Tuesday’s meeting of the Dover Selectboard, town assessor Linda Sherman said she didn’t think the board was taking her townwide commercial reappraisal seriously enough. After expressing doubt that some pertinent information had been shared with the board, the board promised it would...
WHITINGHAM — A group that has named itself the “Deerfield Valley Broadband Working Group” met on Wednesday, December 11, to discuss the possibility of forming a communications union district (CUD) and to hear about ways that groups in other regions have successfully implemented broadband...


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