DOVER - The Dover Selectboard held its regularly scheduled meeting at Dover Town Hall on Tuesday, to provide more space for attendees to spread out. At the meeting, emergency coordinator Rich Werner updated the public about the steps the town is taking to prepare and respond to COVID-19 (...
DOVER - During Town Meeting in Dover, updates from Rep. Laura Sibilia and Sen. Jeanette White led the discussion about the potential legalization of cannabis, changes to Act 250, Medicaid reimbursements, and police dispatching costs.
Sibilia visited the meeting in the morning and opened...
Emerson Cohen led the Boy Scout color guard before the start of Town Meeting in Dover. Lauren Harkawik
DOVER - Town Meeting lasted well into the afternoon in Dover, where points that spurred the most discussion included a merit-based raise for town clerk Andy McLean, an attempted last-minute appropriation for MHCA Dover Cinema, and the budget for the Dover Free Library.
McLean told voters...
By Lauren Harkawik
DOVER - The town held its pre-Town Meeting on Tuesday at Dover Town Hall. Rich Werner moderated the discussion, in which voters went through each of the articles warned for next week’s Town Meeting.
Articles that inspired discussion and questions from voters...
Steve Neratko at a 2018 meeting.
DOVER - Dover Economic Development Director Steve Neratko has tendered his resignation, the Dover Selectboard announced at its meeting on Tuesday. In other matters, the board discussed a broadband survey the town is assisting Windham Regional Commission in conducting, said it would halt payments...
DOVER - Dover will hold its pre-Town Meeting on Tuesday, February 25, at 6 pm at Dover Town Hall. Traditionally, the meeting entails a run-through of the town’s Town Meeting warning.
Article 1 on the warning pertains to officer positions, which will be voted by Australian ballot. Polls...
DOVER - At the Dover Selectboard’s meeting on Tuesday, the board discussed possible changes to how police dispatching works statewide, heard from a census bureau official about the upcoming 2020 census, and OK’d a $1,500 sponsorship of a band during Wilmington’s Old Home Week parade.
WARDSBORO - The River Valleys Unified Union School District Board held its second of two informational meetings Monday, leading up to the district’s annual meeting, which will be held on February 11 at 7 pm at Dover Town Hall.
Monday’s meeting was held in Wardsboro and followed a similar...
WARDSBORO - On Monday, the River Valleys Unified Union School District Board conducted regular business following an informational meeting about its upcoming annual meeting. During the regular session, the board discussed its verification of student residency policy, and, following complaints...
Weighting study shows small, poor districts have suffered
DOVER - Rep. Laura Sibilia, Rep. John Gannon, Rep. Carolyn Partridge, and Rep. Kelly Pajala held a public meeting Saturday to discuss a recently-released study about pupil weighting, which said the current education...