
DOVER - A celebration of life for Mary Lou Raymo - who died Friday, May 13 - will be held at the Dover Center Cemetery, located on Holland Road, East Dover, on Saturday, July 16, at 11 am. A reception will be held from 12 to 2 pm at Trail 87, 271 VT Route 100, West Dover, immediately following....

Photo by Linda Sherman
DOVER - Storm clouds passed through Dover, but the much needed rainfall missed the area.
DOVER- Tuesday evening’s Dover Selectboard meeting was almost as notable for what wasn’t on the agenda as it was for what was.  
The board was set to meet a half hour early for a presentation on a townwide reappraisal proposal from a consultant.  Lister Linda Sherman said the consultant...
DOVER- Windham County Senate candidate Wendy Harrison visited Dover Park Tuesday afternoon to listen to voters’ concerns and issues. Perhaps thanks to the rainy weather, however, only two people turned up for the chat. 
Harris said utilities and housing are among her top priorities.  She...

A past fireworks show over Mount Snow. Facebook
By Amelia Nick 
SOUTHERN VERMONT- The Deerfield Valley will have many Fourth of July events and celebrations this weekend happening everywhere from Wardsboro to Brattleboro. 
In Dover, on Friday July 1, Mount Snow will host a base area block party with live music by the Drew Angus...

Kayakers enjoy a leisurely paddle on Snow Lake in front of Snow Lake Lodge. Mount Snow’s master plan calls for the elimination of the lake, as the water is no longer used for snowmaking and is having negative effects on surrounding river ecosystems. Randy Capitani
DOVER- Mount Snow held a virtual public meeting Monday evening to discuss their Act 250 master plan renewal application. Peter Smiar, a civil engineer with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, or VHB, in Burlington, explained that the master plan document was required of large developments such as Mount Snow...

Mount Snow General Manager Brian Suhadolc
DOVER- Selectboard members met Mount Snow General Manager Brian Suhadolc, heard economic development updates and requests, and read a response from a Dover resident regarding a previous board meeting. 
Selectboard chair Vicki Capitani read aloud a letter from Keith Sullivan regarding a...
WARDSBORO- On Monday, the River Valleys Unified School District met for their last regular meeting until August as they, too, enter summer vacation. They discussed board governing laws, facilities updates, transportation, and their new website. 
In July, the board plans on meeting with...
DOVER- The River Valleys Unified School District board meeting began with a reorganization meeting facilitated by Windham Central Supervisory Union Superintendent Bill Anton. Following reorganization the board discussed staffing and website updates. 
Every year, following the annual...

Front row, left to right: Ophelia Ballou, Wyatt Honig, Lucas Hall, Matthew Thomas, Keegan Bedortha, Aidan Raimo, and Declan Sullivan. Lyric Potter not pictured. Back row: Fifth grade teacher Bridget Cole (left), and IB Coordinator Susan Neuman. Amelia Nick
DOVER- Dover Elementary School’s fifth graders have spent the last two months researching the history of the town. In August, their research will be displayed in kiosks along Route 100. 
Last summer, local historian Jim Dassatti approached Dover International Baccalaureate Coordinator Sue...


The Deerfield Valley News

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Wilmington, VT 05363

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