MaskerAID, Rotary offering masks

MaskerAID ready to launch Thursday
DOVER- MaskerAID launches at noon on Thursday, April 9, at the Dover Town Offices. Another public distribution site in Wilmington is expected to open next week.
This grassroots effort, started by three area women, aims to enlist the Deerfield Valley community in a self-help effort to ensure that free face masks are available to everyone in the Deerfield Valley.
Following a simple-to-sew “10 Minute Face Mask” design from The Sewing Channel, available on YouTube, the women have collected fabric and materials and enlisted others in Wilmington, Whitingham, and Halifax in making the fashionable, washable masks.
FulFlex of Brattleboro has donated elastic and many have added colorful fabrics to the effort, including a “Moo motif”, inspired by the MOOver buses.
The group’s purpose is to de-stigmatize the wearing of face masks and share the importance of doing so, according to Mary Brady, one of the women involved. The masks are not masterpieces of sewing, just practical and fun. They will be clipped to a clothesline in ziplock bags, with instructions for proper wear and care.
Bobbi Groves of Halifax donated a Kenmore machine to assist the effort. She said she was happy to offload the “instrument of torture” after her husband tried to follow a mask pattern that was a bit complex.
Kathy Wagenknecht of Bennington shared alternate patterns, involving lingerie. Michael Cullen shared the instructive video: #Masks4All, that inspired the effort.
Volunteers are needed to sew, cut or donate materials.
To volunteer or for more information contact Twyla Wallace at (802) 380-4769 or, or Brady at (410) 925-8302 or
Rotary Club also offering masks
The Rotary Club of the Deerfield Valley is making face masks available for members of the community. Rotarians are making cloth masks for whoever needs them. There is no cost for the masks, but If people want to help out,the club is taking donations which will all go directly to the local food pantries. According to club president Angel Balch, people have been very generous thus far.
For more information about how to help or aquire a mask, contact Balch though the club's page at