The Dover School is an International Baccalaureate School. One of the basic tenants of the program is to involve students not only in their local community but in the national and international world community. For the third year, the sixth grade collected money for the Toys for Tots program...
DOVER- There are a number of events coming up at the Dover Free Library during holiday break.
On Monday, December 23, from 3 to 5pm, is “Crafternoons at the Library.” It offers a variety of winter-themed crafts for all ages.
On Friday, December 28, from 3 to 4:30 pm, it’s the Lego...
Community church
JACKSONVILLE- The Jacksonville Community Church will be holding a candlelight service on Christmas Eve at 6:30 pm. It is a wonderful time to get together to light up people’s lives with the spirit of Christmas.
The church is located on 110...
The cast includes, back row, Anna Young and Miles Kelly; middle row, Danny Young, Garret Dobbin, Griffin Salway, Violet Kelly, and Roxanne Dobbin; front, Ella Quinby and Shannon Dobbin. Missing from the photo are Kiera Murphy, Emery Salway, and Margaux Kirk.
All are welcome to enjoy the 15th annual Christmas pageant at the West Dover Congregational Church. Performances are Sunday, December 22, at 10 am and again on Christmas Eve at 5:30.
WILLIAMSVILLE- Come and share the spirit of Christmas in the village on Saturday, December 21.
All singers are welcome, even shower singers.
The carolers start at 5:30 pm at the Williamsville Hall. There will be a pot luck at the hall following the caroling, at approximately 7:30 pm...
HALIFAX- Friday, December 20, is the next Halifax senior meal. Serving will begin at noon at the Halifax Community Hall at 20 Brook Road. The menu is baked ham, potato, vegetable, roll, and dessert. All seniors are welcome. A call to Joan (802) 368-7733 to RSVP would be helpful.
BRATTLEBORO- Brattleboro Area Hospice is sponsoring “A Service of Remembrance for Loss From Addiction.” It is a gathering for those grieving the death of a loved one to addiction. The service will take place Wednesday, December 18, at 6 pm, at Centre Congregational Church, 193 Main Street....
STRATTON- The Stratton Foundation kicks off the winter season of signature events with the ninth annual Taste of Vermont on Saturday, December 14, from 7 to 9 pm at the Stratton Mountain Resort.
Holding the event at the start of the ski season provides the opportunity for homeowners, ski...
Marlboro- Members of the Marlboro College community will gather in a vigil for the silenced during the Marlboro College board of trustees meeting on Saturday, December 14, at 9:30 am. To accommodate larger crowds, the meeting has been moved to Ragle Hall in Serkin Center at 2528 South Road....
WESTMINSTER-Southeastern Vermont Community Action and Granite United Way of NH are partnering to offer the volunteer income tax assistance program in upper Windham County and Windsor County. VITA helps low- to moderate- income households by providing free federal and state income tax return...