Internet provider presented award for excellence

DVFiber representatives with SeVEDS Board Chair Wendy Harrison, third from right, and BDCC Executive Director Adam Grinold, left. Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh Photography.
DVFiber representatives with SeVEDS Board Chair Wendy Harrison, third from right, and BDCC Executive Director Adam Grinold, left. Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh Photography.

BRATTLEBORO - DVFiber, southern Vermont’s community-owned fiber optic internet provider, has been awarded the 2024 SeVEDS Leadership Award for Excellence in Economic Development.
This prestigious recognition was presented by Wendy Harrison, president of Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) during the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation’s (BDCC) annual meeting, honoring DVFiber’s exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to enhancing the region’s economic vitality.

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