Mental health watch party

WILMINGTON- Voices of Hope invites all to a Mental Health Advocacy Day watch party on Monday, January 30, from 10 am to 2 pm.
Every year, advocates join together to raise their voice in support of Mental Health Advocacy Day. This year is no exception.
The event will be held at the Old Firehouse (18 Beaver Street). Join in to call on Vermont leaders and legislators and let them know “Mental Health Starts with YOUth.” Be part of the the generation that replaces mental health stigma with mental health support.
The day will include a welcome address from state leaders and a keynote presentation from Alexina Federhen, Miss Vermont 2022. The afternoon will be an opportunity for the community to share their mental health experiences and stories to influence legislators about the importance of mental health care.
Come for all or part of the event. The event is free and lunch will be provided. Voices of Hope is a grassroots group that= actively supports people affected by substance use. For more information contact Voices of Hope at (802) 490-5645 or

The Deerfield Valley News

797 VT Route 100 North
Wilmington, VT 05363

Phone: 802-464-3388
Fax: 802-464-7255

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