Put your photos on the Wilmington Wall

WILMINGTON - The Wilmington Wall, formerly known as the Memory Wall and Welcome Wall, was started in 2010 as a way of honoring citizens, past and present, as well as new and longtime businesses. This year, the wall will be located in the Old School Community Center on the lower level in the music room.
Honor a special family member or friend that has died since the last Old Home Week with a simple labeled photo in a frame ready to hang, or a more elaborate labeled display with cherished photos. Whether they were born here, used to live here, or just loved Wilmington, this is a chance to honor them. Family trees, old or new photos, a small artifact that celebrates family or friends are all acceptable.
Organizers are also welcoming babies born and new families to the valley. Moms, dads, grandparents gather those adorable faces for everyone to see and enjoy. Celebrate your move to the valley with a photo and label where you moved from and why you love Wilmington.
Celebrate a business new or old with a display. One of the oldest businesses in Wilmington? New since the last Old Home Week? Show Old Home week attendees about the business or group, the history, why Wilmington, etc. If your family has been here for generations, how about a family tree?
Please bring labeled photos to the Old School Community Center on Thursday, August 5 between 4 to 7 pm or Friday, August 6 from 9 to 11 am. Pick up photos on Sunday, August 8 between 12:30 and 3 pm. Check the calendar for viewing times.
For further information contact Gretchen Havreluk at ghavreluk@gmail.com or (802)779-2905.