Support the MOOver, score some cool swag

Anyone who donates at a “Bull” level will receive the items shown above as a thank you from the MOOver.
Anyone who donates at a “Bull” level will receive the items shown above as a thank you from the MOOver.

WILMINGTON- Just in time for the holidays, the MOOver is thanking donors with a variety of Holstein-themed gifts.
There are three sponsorship packages available. A Calf  Sponsorship is $59 and sponsors receive a toy MOOver bus, pen, pencil, and T-shirt. The $99 Heifer Sponsorship features a drinking glass, coffee, cup, key chain, toy bus, pen, pencil, and bus stop sign.
The $379 Bull Sponsorship features four each of glasses, coffee cups, toy buses, key chains, T-shirts, pens, pencils, and one bus stop sign.

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Wilmington, VT 05363

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