Lions Club wlecomes new members, officers

Matai and Talia Betit-Engel place the Melvin Jones Fellowship pin on mom Jen Betit-Engel. Dad Christian Betit-Engel supervises.
WHITINGHAM- At a socially-distanced gathering on Town Hill, the Deerfield Valley Lions Club, formerly the Whitingham-Halifax Lions, welcomed new members and officers.
Outgoing president Mark Hanna and service chair Wanda Walkowiak co-hosted the event, which also recognized members who went above and beyond serving the community.
Vermont Lions district governor Pam Nichols and past district governor Liz Fenwick attended the ceremony, and welcomed Julie Muller to her position as the club’s new president.
Muller’s team for 2020 to 2021 will include vice presidents Adam Ranslow, Keith Thompson, and Ed Metcalfe; secretaries Darcey Brown and Meg Staloff; recording secretary Alisa Thompson; co-treasurers Alison Ferris and Harry Byron; and membership chair Jenn Beach.
A highlight of the event was the awarding of the Melvin Jones Fellowship, which is Lions Club International’s highest recognition for service to the club and community.
Lions Jen Betit-Engel and Muller, both longtime members, were honored with a Melvin Jones Fellowship. The Lion of the Year award for outstanding service to the club was given to Keith and Alisa Thompson. Lions Geri Kogut and Meg Staloff also received special appreciation awards.