Garden designer and author gives talk

Hayward and his wife Mary, have been developing a 1 1/2-acre garden around their 220-year-old farmhouse in southern Vermont for the past 35 years.
Hayward and his wife Mary, have been developing a 1 1/2-acre garden around their 220-year-old farmhouse in southern Vermont for the past 35 years.

MARLBORO - Gordon Hayward, noted garden designer and author, will give a talk on the relationship between fine painting and garden design on Friday, June 14, at 7 pm. The talk is based on Hayward’s latest book, “Art and the Gardener.” Hayward will explore the remarkable crosscurrents between these two visual pursuits that facilitate designing a garden.
Some of the elements Hayward will explore are: horizontality or verticality, vantage point, color, open versus enclosed gardens, line, mood, contrasting forms, scale, and balance.

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