“Free Satan” comedy talk show

Pictured are Free Satan team members including PJ Mead, Bela Hex, Paul Manza, Seth Chatfield, Sonic Hepburn, and Raegan Garside.
Pictured are Free Satan team members including PJ Mead, Bela Hex, Paul Manza, Seth Chatfield, Sonic Hepburn, and Raegan Garside.

BRATTLEBORO- Come watch this month’s episode of late night comedy talk show “Free Satan” at the Hooker-Dunham Theater on Thursday, August 24, at 7:30 pm.
The Blip Blap Brothers are taking a break from Bot Talk Radio and will be beaming in holographically to host an existential-crisis of an episode.
Half comedy, half meltdown, this show’s content in general will cater to fans of weird, dark (no topic is off the table), silly, and cringe comedy.

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